Jeremy’s Journal: Finding Strength and Building Resilience: Two Weeks in the Life of an Independent Insurance Agency

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Hey everyone, it’s Jeremy from Ochsner Insurance with your one-take Jeremy’s Journal for the two weeks ending June 14th. It’s been a whirlwind, full of challenges and breakthroughs, and I’m excited to share our journey with you.

The Struggle and the Turning Point

Heading to our first and only conference of the year, Producers in Paradise, I was at a crossroads. I was either going to figure out a new approach or quit altogether. One of the deals I’d been working on for two months fell through just before the conference, and I felt defeated. However, a conversation with a fellow attendee, Jess from Zenjuries, changed my perspective. He encouraged me not to quit and shared his own journey, which inspired me to push forward.

Building Relationships and Gaining Insights

The conference was a huge success. I built new relationships, reconnected with old friends, and found a kindred spirit in another agency owner from California. We plan to support and encourage each other as we navigate the challenges of running an independent agency. I also started reading “The Gap and the Gain” by Dan Sullivan, which has helped shift my mindset to focus on learning and growth, even during tough times.

Moving Forward with Virtual Assistance

We are in the final stages of hiring a virtual assistant, with two promising companies in the running. One comes highly recommended by someone I respect in the industry, and the other I know personally. We’re excited about the potential this new team member will bring.

Tech and Support Challenges

A visit from Heidi at Progressive was a highlight, despite me double-booking and having to juggle meetings. I also dealt with a significant change in our agency management system, which proved more challenging than expected. Despite initial frustrations, I’m learning to navigate the new system and appreciate its improvements.

Exciting Developments

We’re about to roll out an app that will greatly enhance our clients’ experience. This app will provide easy access to ID cards, policy information, certificates of insurance, and more, all from their smartphones or computers.

Staying in the Game

Despite the setbacks and challenges, we’re committed to staying in the game. The insights from “The Gap and the Gain” are helping us maintain a positive outlook and continue striving for success.

Thank you for tuning in to this special two-week edition of Jeremy’s Journal. Here’s to your success—go knock it out of the park!

Best regards, Jeremy Ochsner

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